
Hello and welcome to All Tech Tips How.

The website is the brainchild of Dheeraj Pandey.

Who Am I?

A graduate Computer science Engineer with having specialization in Computer Technology.

I have more than 10 years of experience in technology. During this journey, I have faced many issues with tech gadgets. Technology makes our lives simple but, it also has many problems that we need to deal with!

I can proudly say that I love dealing with the issues with tech gadgets- it’s my passion.

Why All Tech Tips How?

I created this because I don’t want to see others in trouble dealing with tech, gaming, and many other gadgets. People are surrounded by technology and daily they face many issues and errors. The main aim of this website is to help such people.

You guys can find How-to, errors, and troubleshooting guides on this website so that you can make the technology amazing for your use!

Again, welcome to this website. I hope you get the perfect solution for your issues!

– Dheeraj Pandey.

If you have any doubts or get stuck at any point, you can reach out to me here.